Web Design
New Wildwood

Welcome to the bright shiny new version of the Wildwood Web Site

It’s called New Wildwood (actually “newwildwood”) for two reasons:

  • Firstly it’s a new incarnation of my old site called Wildwood
  • Secondly because the “wildwood” name was already taken

newwildwood will, eventually, contain descriptions (and pictures) of some of my more interesting trips around the world.

The contents page is intended to provide an introduction to the sections of this site that these describe these trips and the “Why Wildwood” page is there for those of you who have the know the answer to the question “Why is the site called Wildwood”.

For information on changes to the site see the “Site Status and News” page.

To contact me click here

[New Wildwood] [Contents] [Why Wildwood?] [Site Status and News]