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Leaving Missouri and entering Kansas is something of a surprise, no “You are leaving Missouri” or “Welcome to Kansas”, you just find yourself in another state.

There are only 13 miles of Route 66 in Kansas but it’s worth the trip as there are a number of items of interest.

One target I set myself to to stay in a hotel, eat a meal and fill up with gas in each state, I just managed it but in the case of Kansas I think the end of the hotel car park was over the state line in Oklahoma;-).

Just after you get into Kansas you see this typical Route 66 sight - a boarded up and seemingly abandoned building.


About half way through the Kansas section of Route 66 a small detour will bring you to the Rainbow Curve Bridge.

It (and a number of others) were built in the 1920s (this one in 1923) as part of the Federal Aid Project.

The plaque is partly hidden by a modern crash barrier and not easy to read.


In fact not only has it been preserved from the demolition it was once threatened with but you can actually drive over it (it’s now one way only) and get a feel for how tight a fit it must have been when you met oncoming traffic.

The picture below shows my GrandAm resting in historic surroundings.


Heading south from the bridge towards Oklahoma you reach the town of Baxter Springs. Amongst its claims to fame is the Cafe on the Route which is housed in what was a bank building. Unfortunately I didn’t get to sample its fare as it had been booked for a High School 50 year reunion.


In 1876 Jesse James was supposed to have robbed the bank that was originally here but other people claim he was busy robbing an entirely different bank at the time!


Another typical sight along Route 66 is a closed cinema. When the road was at its peak there must of been hordes of people in all these small towns looking for something to do after a long day travelling - I guess taking in a movie was a popular option.

Head South to Oklahoma

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