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Yasukuni Shrine

Yasukuni Shrine, in its Symbolic Registry of Divinities are listed the names of over 2,466,000 enshrined men and women whose lives were dedicated to the service of Imperial Japan, particularly to those killed in wartime.

As you enter the grounds of the shrine you pass through the first of several Torii Gates.  A map of the grounds can be found here.


The next two photographs are of columns and statues you encounter as the walk along the path to the centre of the shrine.


As you continue along the path the main part of the shrine and some statues come into view.


This is the statue that can be seen in distance in the photograph above.  It is Omura Masujiro (1824 - 1869) who is known as the "Father of the Modern Japanese Army”.


This photograph is from a point on the path past the statue shown above, the main buildings of the shrine are straight ahead, note the second Torii Gate.


To the right of the path is this building holding sake barrels (they are not full hence it is a relatively flimsy structure).  When displayed near a Shinto shrine, such barrels are called kazaridaru, which means "decoration barrels."  While the barrels that are on display here are empty in physical terms they are spiritually chock full of significance.


This is the Haiden or hall of worship - the building on the right can best be described as a sort of Shinto gift shop.


Yushukan is a Japanese military and war museum established in 1882 and preserves war relics from Meiji era to WWII.  It is located within the grounds of the Yasukuni Shrine - note brass guns outside - the statue on the right is the Kamikaze Pilot Commemoration Statue.


This is a more detailed photograph of the Kamikaze Pilot Commemoration Statue.

Entrance to the Yushukan is through a recently (2002) added glass hall containing a number of artefacts.  Photography is allowed only in this entrance hall.


A6M5 Zero Model 52

Type 89 15 cm Cannon and Type 96 15 cm Howitzer


Class C56 steam locomotive number C56 31  used used in 1943 to open the infamous Thai-Burma Railway and in Thailand during the post-war period

From the Yasukuni Shrine and Yushukan it is a short walk to Kitanomaru Park

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