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Arizona Memorial

The USS Arizona Memorial marks the resting place of 1,102 of the 1,177 sailors and Marines killed on the USS Arizona during the attack on Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941 by Japanese imperial forces and commemorates the events of that day.

The memorial is accessible only by boat from the USS Arizona Memorial Visitor Centre, it straddles the sunken hull of the battleship without touching it.

This is the view from the Visitor Centre across the lagoon to the memorial, the white markers either side of the memorial mark the locations of the other battleships present in 1941.


Two views of the USS Arizona Memorial taken from the USS Missouri, in the top photograph the shuttle boats that bring visitors to the memorial can be seen together with the oil that still leaks from the Arizona.  The lower photograph shows the memorial and the markers that indicate the position of the ships in “Battleship Row” in 1941.


The memorial as seen from the shuttle boat as it is about to dock.

As you enter the memorial there is an information board showing the USS Arizona prior to the attack and the current state of the ship including those parts which are above water


The Pearl Harbour lagoon is very shallow (between 30 feet and 45 feet deep) so as well as those parts of the USS Arizona that are above water much of the ship can be easily seen.


At the Visitor Centre an anchor from the USS Arizona is displayed.


Pearl Harbour is a very active naval base as can be seen from these two photographs.  In case you wondered the big white dome is a mobile sea based radar that comes to Pearl Harbour for maintenance.

The old and the new, a view across the remains of the USS Arizona to the modern naval base.

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