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Continuing South

From Skagway I drove back to Carcross along the Klondike highway (there is no choice as it is the only road) and at Carcross I turned onto Highway 8 that took me through Tagish and back to the Alaska Highway at a point about 50 miles south of Whitehorse.  Tagish was my last chance to fill up and get something to eat before the Alaska Highway, there was one business that combined Gas Station / Store / Post Office / Restaurant / Laundry.

Driving along Highway 8 there were frequent ravines like this one (note there is still some snow at the bottom).


The road was cut through the mountain and was generally snow free though the higher peaks still had some.  The poles on the right and the bars sticking from the rock face on the left are so you can find the path of the road when it is all buried in snow.


After a while the road opened out and became more wooded (and the weather started to turn bad - compare the skies in the two photographs).  The animals ahead are a herd of wood bison which differ from the plains bison in a number of important ways.  Most notably, the wood bison is heavier, with large males weighing over 2,000 lb. making it the largest terrestrial animal in North America.


In the photograph below one of these differences can be seen, the highest point of the wood bison is well ahead of its front legs while in the case of the plains bison the highest point is directly above the front legs.


Some miles further on I met a second herd of wood bison and this time they were on both sides of the road.  I had stopped on the shoulder to assess whether they were likely to start moving onto the road and while I sat there it started to rain - a typical change in the weather.


Further along Highway 8 I ran into my third and last herd of bison.


A few miles further the terrain changed from fairly open and wooded to a rock face and lake with the road cut along the lakes edge.


The lake was still iced over though close to the shore the ice was breaking up.  By this point the weather was turning quite unpleasant (notice the low cloud in the distance) and in a few minutes it started to snow quite heavily.

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