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Continuing my visit to the Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) I took the vintage tram to the main site known as MOTAT 1.


The site includes a wide variety of artefacts including this splendid McLaren Steam Traction Engine built in 1912.


The collection includes locomotives both Steam and Diesel.  K900 (which can be seen in the photograph below) was the first of all the ‘K‘, ‘Ka' and ‘Kb' class locomotives manufactured in New Zealand.  Thirty of these massive ‘K' class locomotives were built as the workhorses of the Main Trunk line and remained in service from the 1930s until the 1960s.


There are displays of motorcycles including the one on the right with a extremely large side car.


There are a number of trams displayed at various locations such as this pair, the one on the left is an Auckland tram from around 1902 and the one on the right being a Wellington open top Double Decker from 1906.  Both are operational.


The MOTAT site also has a number of buildings that form a Victorian Village, they include household furnishings, utensils, tools, personal items and toys.


Other buildings on the site contain displays of the business that was carried out there, for example this Motor Cycle Engineers.  The building on the right is a Fire Station with living quarters above and a display of various Fire Engines (see photographs below for examples).


A Merryweather Fire Engine of 1907 (above), this is believed to be the second oldest motorised fire engine in the world.

The collection also includes smaller items such as this rather odd shape Telephone Box.


Vehicles are displayed around the site including this trio of commercials.


There are a number of steam engines on the site including this one.


There is also a large display of cars which cover a wide time period.


Down the back of the car display I found this Morris Marina Estate.

The horror! The horror!

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