The USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park is next to the USS Arizona Memorial Visitor Centre and contains, as well as the USS Bowfin a large number of displays both inside and outside, the museum web site is here.
The most striking item is of course the USS Bowfin (SS-287), a Balao-class fleet submarine built in 1942. The bowfin is a freshwater fish and native to southeastern Canada and the eastern United States (it was US Navy practice at the time to name submarines after fish).
Here is the USS Bowfin in the museum, the first photograph is of the submarine from the side and the second shows the method of boarding for the self guided tour.
This is the view from on board looking aft from the conning tower.
Taking photographs inside a submarine is never easy as by their nature they are cramped. This is a shot of one of the larger spaces, the torpedo room.
Inside the display hall are a number of USS Bowfin related artefacts including the ships bell and a model of a bowfin (in case you wondered what they looked like).
Also in the display hall are a number of models including this of the USS Halibut SSGN-587, they were still naming submarines after fish in the late 50’s. The USS Halibut was built to launch the Regulus guided missile (there is a model of one on the deck). As a result the main deck was high above the waterline (to provide a dry "flight deck”) and there was a hangar in the front of the hull (the bulge in the deck). Because of this hangar there was plenty of space to install equipment for secret underwater espionage missions, hence the books to the right of the model.
To give some idea just how big the USS Halibut was this is a preserved Regulus 1 missile (the Regulus 2 was even bigger), it is about the size of a small jet fighter.
One of the many memorials in the museum is this plaque commemorating the five submarines that carried the Regulus missile, the USS Halibut is the middle one on the right.
The sixth badge (bottom right) represents the Regulus support unit.
Among the Pacific War artefacts outside is this Kaiten ("Turn Toward Heaven") Human Torpedo which was based on the highly successful surfaced-launched Type 93 "Long Lance" torpedo.