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Rocket Garden - 1

The Juno 1 (sometimes referred to as Jupiter C) was based on a Redstone missile and used to launch the first US satellite “Explorer 1”, the UE markings were carried by actual launcher.


Juno II was another space launch vehicle used during the late 1950s and early 1960s that was derived from the Jupiter missile.  It was used to launch the early deep space missions like Pioneer 3 that was planned as a lunar probe.


Another early launcher was the Thor-Able that was used for a series of re-entry vehicle tests and satellite launches between 1958 and 1960.  It was a two stage rocket, consisting of a Thor IRBM as a first stage, and a Vanguard-derived Able second stage. On some flights, an Altair solid rocket motor was added as a third stage.


The Atlas-Agena was a launch system derived from the SM-65 Atlas missile with a RM-81 Agena as the second stage.  It was used to launch the first five Mariner unmanned probes to the planets Venus and Mars, and the Ranger and Lunar Orbiter unmanned probes to the Moon.  The upper stage was also used as an unmanned orbital target vehicle for the Gemini manned spacecraft to practice rendezvous and docking.


The Rocket Garden continues with the manned spaceflight era on the next page.

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